So That Happened

Nearly 6 weeks ago this bundle arrived:

Born 4/17 at 3:45 PM
8 lbs. 1 0z
21 inches long

And since then I’ve fallen off the face of the earth. Well… I’m still on Twitter since 140 characters is all I can muster these days.

Today he looks more like this:

His birth was amazingly fast and relatively easy.  I was again able to go drug-free, although my will to do so faltered greatly this time.  He was fast but he was painful.  I’ll do a full post about his birth if I ever have the time to sit down to type it all.  Right now my free time is spent napping.

M adores her little brother and everyday her interactions with him melt my heart a little bit more.

Things are pretty great around here. Who knows when I’ll get back to this blog…