Silver Streak

Happy Birthday to my (much older) sister, JMH!!

As I think I mentioned before we were in the market for a new car.  The lease on my car was just about up and some car companies were having their “sign and drive” deals which means you could drive off with no out of pocket expenses.  Plus we both work for very large companies in Cleveland and they both have programs set up with several dealerships to get discounted pricing on new cars.  Perfect!

Now, I have to preface our car choice with the fact that I love station wagons – big, boxy station wagons.  Not some stupid scaled down SUV or hatch back car, but an honest-to-goodness wagon with seating for 5 and a big ol’ back end.  Since some time in high school, I knew that someday I would drive a wagon.  My ideal car would be an early 90s Volvo wagon, when they still had the very square back.  Not many car companies make these any more and since Ford bought Volvo I didn’t want to go there.  Subaru was on the list but I don’t need all the 4-wheel drive stuff.  Mercedes and Saab make them but I don’t make that kind of money.  I would have preferred to buy another GM but they don’t make what I want (although Saturn sells wagons in Europe – what’s up with that?). So we settled on the VW Passat Wagon.

The new ride is silver and very pretty and clean. I would have loved to have the mocha brown but we live in a climate where they use salt on the roads so dark cars are a bad idea. One of my favorite features are the built-in rear sunshades.  They are incorporated right into the door, so you don’t need any tinted film or those suction-cup shades to shield your preshus baby from the glaring rays of the sun anymore.  It’s a totally mama-mobile.

Anyway, we went to get our new car this weekend. Well, MY new car really. We headed to the dealership on Saturday morning and I drove it off the lot while Mark had M in his car; we stopped off at Costco and for lunch on the way home (yes – we are suburban hipsters. Wanna make something of it?).  Later in the afternoon Mark – having not driven the car at all yet – decided to take it out for a test spin.  About 20 minutes later he comes back, speeding ticket in hand.  He got busted for driving 60 mph in a 35 zone about 3 blocks from our house!  It’s a good thing we didn’t buy the Wii we saw Costco for his upcoming birthday …now he gets to pay off his ticket instead.  Happy birthday, honey!

He’s not allowed to drive my car anymore.  It may be a mama-mobile but it can haul ass!

Party Like It’s 1985

On Friday, forgetting that it’s spring break and that the mall would be overrun with teenagers and mother’s with their kids, I ran to the nearest mall to hit Sephora during my lunch. All the stroller dodging was worth it, though for the sight that awaited me as I walked in the mall entrance. I hope you have seen The Wedding Singer because I saw a kid, maybe 18 or 19, who looked like he was trying to be Sam – Adam Sandler’s sidekick in the movie, the guy who drives the limo (“They were cones!”). I kid you not he had the ‘stash, a mullet that was feathered on the sides and I swear to you he had a the red Michael Jackson Beat It jacket that was so popular in the early ‘80s. I stopped in my tracks trying to figure out if he was for real; and unfortunately I think he was.

Then, as I crossed through Nordstroms there was a display of young men’s fashion for the spring which included an outfit with light blue jeans, a pink polo shirt and a white sport jacket WITH THE SLEEVES ROLLED UP! The mannequin just needed the stubble beard and it could have been Crockett from Miami Vice. Please, please tell me that this “style” is not coming back. Or maybe tell me it is, because I enjoy laughing at these people.


Walking news: 2x 3 miles over the past week with a 4 mile today. A bit off pace, but better than last week!


Rotten Raisins

What did you do this weekend? Celebrate Easter?…Maybe enjoyed some family time? Me – I fed my child rotten raisins. Apparently you should store raisins in the refrigerator. I need to jot that in my instruction book.

This weekend we were running a bit low on pantry staples and we were out of most of M’s usual snacks. No worries, though as there was a canister of raisins at the back of the cupboard. She had a few for her morning snack, which was less then her usual handful after handful. After a lunch of cheese, mandarin oranges, bread and milk she was off to her crib to take a nap. Which meant it was time for my weekend nap, too. Apparently at some point M got fussy so Mark went in and settled her on his chest while he laid on the chaise lounge in her bedroom. Cut to me waking up from REM sleep to the shouts of “Honey!” I jump up trying to figure it out; since I didn’t know Mark was in M’s room, I run around trying to find him. I finally open the bedroom door and am hit with the unmistakeable smell of vomit and the sight of Mark laying there, covered in cheese, mandarin oranges, bread, milk and bile and he’s holding M up above him. The poor guy got it all…not a drop was to be found outside of his shirt. I couldn’t help but laugh.

M has never been a puker. Even as an infant she rarely spit up. In her 18 months I think she has only puked 3 times. So we were worried. But M was fine and dandy. No fever, playing as normal, has an appetite, etc. So a few hours later we decide to go check out a possible new car (the VW Passat Wagon, if you are wondering). We get to within a few blocks of the dealership and M coughs in the backseat. Just as I think to myself, “gesh I hope she doesn’t blow again” I turn to see chunks tumbling from her mouth. Make that vomit count 4.

After we clean her up and turn to head home, I realize that as we were getting ready to leave the house M ate the remaining 3 raisins out of the the snack bowl from the morning. When we got home I checked the raisin canister – written distinctly on the side is “Keep Refrigerated”. I opened the lid and took a whiff to find the distinct smell of fermentation.

Don’t worry, I’ll be at the awards ceremony to pick up my mother of the year award. What should I wear for the red carpet?


Also – anyone have any tips to get the vomit smell out of car seat straps?

Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?

If you haven’t read any of the blogs listed on the blogroll to the right yet, I highly recommend visiting Linda at All & Sundry.  Honestly she is one of the funniest writers out there, especially if you are a parent.  If not – well, she just had a baby so most of the recent posts are baby-heavy but not all.  Take a gander and she will have you spewing Diet Coke through your nose in no time.

Today she did a hilarious little post about her Easter plans.  Her brother calls Easter “Jesus Comin’ Out of a Hole Day” (JCOOAHD) and isn’t that really what it is?  If you tend to believe the Bible and the Church the holiday celebrates the rising of Jesus after his public death – the day he came out of that hole they entombed him in. If that is your belief, then have at it as that is one awesome thing to celebrate.

What I don’t get about Easter is the Easter Bunny.  For christ’s sake – adults in furry bunny suits really freak me out.  And trying to convince your kids that there is this giant rabbit lurking around that will come to your house at night and leave candy is a bit disturbing.  I don’t really get this holiday and I’m pretty sure that we will not do the bunny thing with M.

We will do a bit of a spring celebration and have a basket with candy and some gifts when she is older (this year the candy is strictly for the grown-ups, yea!).  I get the metaphor of eggs/rebirth/spring and so we’ll most likely do some egg related festivities.  Other than that it will always be a low-key affair. Because the Easter Bunny ranks up there with clowns on my “they really kinda scare me” meter and I’d rather not go there.

The other thing I find slightly disturbing is how the world SHUTS DOWN on Good Friday.  Um, I thought there was a little thing about the separation of church and state?  My bank closed at 11 today!  And with their opening time of 9 AM that gave you a convenient slot of two hours to make use of them.  And half the people I know had today off like it’s Memorial Day or something.

I get that the majority of Americans are Christians but that’s followed closely by the non-religious folks and, of course, those religions that don’t celebrate Easter. And I think that the practice of observing GF is rooted in the Roman Catholic church which accounts for less than 17% of the US population. So why don’t we all observe a day off work for the major Jewish and Islamic holidays that have more people practicing then 17%?  Maybe I’m just bitter because I had to work today.

In walking news this week has been a bit of a bust.  No real walking to speak of because I’m tired as all get out this week.  And getting over a never-ending hacking cold.

In addition to the general malaise, thanks to the heals I wore to work on a day I did a ton of walking around the hospital I have a blister on top of my toe.  And it’s infected.  Yum.

I did get a nice little e-mail from the automated 3-Day trainer with the suggested training guide for this week and I will try to keep on track.

Happy JCOOAHD/Easter/just another day but with a little more chocolate to you all!

In the Beginning

I attended the 3-Day Get Started Meeting tonight and officially registered as a walker. I’d love to say the meeting left me so inspired that I felt like this was the best undertaking of my life, but meh. Don’t get me wrong. I am very much excited about this walk and the entire journey I will be taking to get there. It’s just meetings like that are just not my bag. I’m much more of an introvert than what these types of things cater to, so I used my daughter as an excuse to leave early. The one thing that brought tears to my eyes was a young man – maybe 20 years old – who is the head of the security crew. As he was telling everyone his role and why he is involved (his mother was diagnosed 7 years ago) he said “there are 37 women in this room right now. Five of you will be diagnosed with breast cancer in your lifetime. I do this for each of you”. It was a very touching and well-stated sentiment from such a young man and it left me with chills up my back.

Good enough for me.


This past weekend my husband, Mark, and I finally had our first overnight get-away since M was born nearly 18 months ago. Can we pause a second to repeat that? 18 months without a single night away from our often wakeful child. Say what you will about sexy retreats, but honestly I was most looking forward to blissful sleep and staying in bed past 7 AM. My sister volunteered to take M and we booked a room at a small “boutique” hotel in Columbus called The Lofts. Our package included in-room massages, room service, etc. Everything was set for a day of relaxing and, most importantly, veging out.

We were told at check in that the room we specifically reserved because it had a soaking bathtub had physical damage from the previous guest and was unusable. Instead they gave us suite and a discounted rate. Fine with me as this was an expensive overnight – a bit of saved money is good. The room they gave us was next to the damaged room and upon entering we were impressed. It was a large, two-room suite with a nice big bathroom. However, upon further inspection we found the bill from the previous guest laying under the table, 2 discarded beer bottle caps on the sofa and toothpaste splatter on the bathroom walls. Oh well, we figured the room seemed pretty clean otherwise and we were too excited at the prospect of doing nothing to want to go through the hassle of changing rooms. The stay started out fine. We had our massages, and headed out to dinner. Upon returning we decided to watch a movie since it has been ages since we’ve seen a recently released flick. Too bad the movie service didn’t work on our TV. We called down and they tried to remotely fix the problem with no luck. They sent someone to the room to do the repair but still couldn’t get it to work.

By this time it’s nearly 11 PM and we decided to fill out our breakfast order for room service before turning in and when I grabbed the pen from the desk it was covered in something sticky that smelled like tobacco. I had to wash my hands 6 times to get the smell off! It was so disgusting I think I vomited in my mouth a little. We finally go to sleep content in the fact that there would be at least a solid 8-hours ahead of us. Not so fast. I woke up at 1:00 to the sounds of voices in the hall which lasted about 10 minutes. Then, after a few minutes of silence I we can hear a TV. It’s not muffled and actually sounds like the TV in our room is on with no picture. After looking like a fool, trying to figure what is wrong with our TV we discover the noise is coming from the room next door – the room that is supposed to be unusable! The walls are so thin we can hear everything. I call the front desk and they obviously call the guy in the room next door as we can hear every word he says. Then he turns his TV up!I decide to go downstairs in person and had to wait 5-7 minutes before someone came out of the office behind the desk. I explain my problem and he said there is nothing he can do. I am livid at this point so I ask to check out (remember that it’s about 1:30 AM at this time). I tell him I will pay for the package items that we used but won’t pay for the room. He tells me he can’t access the billing system so there is nothing he can do, our card has already been charged.

Fine – I get the name and number of the GM while Mark calls another hotel. The clerk prints my bill which apparently he CAN do and it includes a bogus $70 food/beverage charge which I dispute and ask him to produce a signature for the charge. He pulls out the stack of food recipets and says “There are too many here to through right now. I’ll do it tomorrow”. At this point I want to crawl over the desk and poke his eyes out, but am also so tired I just want to find a quiet bed. I write “DISPUTED” in large letters on the food/beverage bill and check out at 2:00 AM. We make our way over to the Northwest Columbus Marriott where the very nice night manager is expecting us. He knows our story from Mark’s phone call and set us up in a great room that is isolated from other guests. I don’t think there was anyone within 5 rooms of ours. He also kindly gave us a very late check out at no extra charge. We did enjoy our 11 hours at the Marriott, but were exhausted the entire day.

On the way to the Marriott, I used Mark’s iPhone to e-mail the GM at the first hotel about our problems and most likely used too many curse words in the message. He did call back on Sunday and after a lengthly conversation he refund our entire bill. He also offered a discount off our next stay. Yea right.

I’m still tired from the weekend. I think our next get-away may not be for another 18 months.

Here Goes

Okay I have a blog. Now what??

Let me introduce myself: I’m a 30-something mom, wife, daughter, sister, woman. I’m new to my adopted hometown of Cleveland but a life-long Midwesterner. I’m an avid reader of lots of other (mostly parenting) blogs and I tend to sign my comments “iKate”. I knit. I plan to do this in August. That is the thing that pushed me over the edge to start writing on-line. Kind of a way to motivate myself and maybe find motivation from others. I’ll be talking a lot about my training for the Breast Cancer 3-Day, but I will be talking a lot about other stuff, too.

You are probably wondering about the name of this blog. It comes from a 1918 folk song by Geoffrey O’Hara which my Busia (grandmother) used to sing to me all the time.

K-K-K-Katy, beautiful Katy,
You’re the only g-g-g-girl that I adore;
When the m-m-m-moon shines,
Over the cowshed,
I’ll be waiting at the k-k-k-kitchen door.