I Was Feverish When I Wrote This, Forgive Me if it Goes Astray

On Sunday the heavens parted and the sun shine down for a key fewf hours that allowed our M to celebrate her birthday with her family.  After days of rain I was so grateful that the weather cooperated for a few hours, even if it was chilly (last year M wore a sleeveless sundress for her party – this year it was jeans and long sleeves).  I had borrowed an inflatable “bounce house” from a friend and the kids only got out for presents and cupcakes.  M was delighted to have almost her entire extended family to dote on her all day.

P1060702M and 2 of her cousins
P1060683The cutest birthday girl ever

In other news, last week I was a good hospital employee and got my seasonal flu shot.  This is only the 3rd or 4th time I’ve gotten a flu shot and just like EVERY. SINGLE. TIME before, I am now sick.  I know, I know – the vaccine does not use a live virus but for whatever reason I get sick in the few days following the shot.  I was so chilled last night we turned on the heat. The heat is on in September – something is wrong with this.  So far today I vegged out in my chair wearing layers and under 2 blankets and watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s for the first time.

We have a weird neighbor who does odd jobs for some of the elderly people who live on our street, including mowing several of their lawns.  Right now he is mowing the yard right next door in the pouring rain. He’s wearing a rain coat, jeans and no shoes. He gives me the creeps.

In other strange neighbor/lawn mowing news: the old dude 2 doors down mows his yard wearing a baseball batting helmet, knickers, a wife beater and bags over his shoes.  It’s amazing what you learn when you stay home sick.

The View is on the TV behind me and Yoko Ono is “singing”.  She sounds like a cat in heat.


Three years ago today, exactly at the time I am writing this, M was born after about 4 hours of labor.  She gave me an easy pregnancy and had a pretty easy birth. 3:03 PM on September 23.  I really do think 3 is her magic number.

Today she’s not so easy but my goodness is she a lot of fun.  Her imaginative stories, her budding love for jokes, an impressive memory and the constant singing have her dad and me laughing all day.  It’s not all rosy – she tends to not listen (at all), still has multiple potty accidents each week and hates to go to sleep – but the good far outweighs the bad.

Right now she LOVES to be outside – which is why our beach vacation was so perfect – and is getting really into drawing.  She likes to play tag and hide-and-seek and ride her tricycle and put stickers on anything and everything.  She is really into princess stories but we do our best to make sure things aren’t all-princess-all-the-time.  She would eat spaghetti everyday if we let her. She loves to change up the words in a song to see if we are paying attention. Every night we have to act out Sandra Boynton’s Barnyard Dance before settling down to sleep.

I really can’t get enough kisses from her each day. Her curls are wild because she refuses to wear barrettes or pigtails. She loves to twirl and dance. She’s our Magpie and she’s THREE!


What I did on Vacation

P1060477We started off with a stop in North Carolina to see my college BFF, Lindsay.

P1060482We played in the fountains

P1060490And jumped in the pool

P1060498Then M perfected her bellyflop in the tidal pools on the beach (and for some reason insisted on calling them “dewyflops”).

P1060501We played in the waves (and “fed” them sand and shells)

P1060525And let the beach style our hair.


We took a boat ride to see dolphins and explore some of the shoals exposed by the low tide

P1060575And found starfish, hermit crabs and tons of shells.

P1060600We played on the beach some more

P1060624And found a really, really big horseshoe crab.

P1060652It was a perfect week of sun, sand, ocean and exploring!

…AND the Kitchen Sink

“Those that say you can’t take it with you never saw my car packed for a vacation trip.” ~ unknown
The bags are pretty much packed (except for my husbands stuff, and well – he can do his own).  All the extra stuff is laid out on the dining room table.  I’m eating a dinner of the few perishables left in the house: 2 apples, left over birthday cake and milk. We are so ready to go – first a stop over to see my college BFF in the booming city of Saxapahaw, NC.  Then it’s off to the beach.
Oh, and here’s my new traveling tip: check out restaurant.com for the zip code you will be visiting before you leave.  If you are as lucky as I was, you will score gift certificates for a couple of places for mere pennies (thank you 90% off sale!) and maybe find a new favorite restaurant at your destination.
Au Revoir!

“Those that say you can’t take it with you never saw my car packed for a vacation trip.” ~ unknown

The bags are pretty much packed (except for my husbands stuff, and well – he can do his own).  All the extra stuff is laid out on the dining room table.  I’m eating a dinner of the few perishables left in the house: 2 apples, left over birthday cake and milk. We are so ready to go – first a stop over to see my college BFF in the booming city of Saxapahaw, NC.  Then it’s off to the beach.

Oh, and here’s my new traveling tip: check out restaurant.com for the zip code you will be visiting before you leave.  If you are as lucky as I was, you will score gift certificates for a couple of places for mere pennies (thank you 90% off sale!) and maybe find a new favorite restaurant at your destination.

Au Revoir!


Still around…this past week was crazy.  A night in Green Bay, WI (smaller then I thought, flat, lots of cheese) along with getting back into the swing of the school schedule and random life has kept me away from this blog.

We are getting ready for our fall trip to Hilton Head and we cannot wait – last year we went in late October and it was nice but too chilly to swim outside.  This year it should be in the low 80s everyday.  And since Labor Day will have passed, we expect it to be just as empty as last year.  So this coming week will include a ton of laundry, packing, making lists and trying to get the house into shape before departure.  One week after we get home will be M’s 3rd (THRID!! OMG!) birthday party, so there’s a lot to do.

Posting will most likely be sparse for the next 2 weeks – but I’ll never be far away from the crack that is Twitter.